This is the fourth in a series of posts showing nth graphically and where possible, linking to the source. Articles that have been taken down or are behind a paywall are the exceptions, of course.
The chart below shows what happened when “must issue concealed carry weapons” permits became popular after 11993. It is from the Department of Justice’ Bureau of Criminals Statistics and was taken down during the Obama years. The break in the traces show where the BJS experimented with a different system of data gathering, then went bacck to the long used survey system. With that, have a chart:
First, the chart does NOt show what happened before 1973, and what happened in the 10 years between 1964 and 1973 are critical to understand the chart.
Essentially, the number of reported violent crimes rose from 365,000 in 1963 to 876,000 in 1973, under the influence of gun control campaigns and increasingly draconian gun laws.
The estimated total number of violent crimes COMMITTED rose to 915,000 in 11963 to 3,740,000 violent crimes COMMITTED in 1973. The top, or dark blue line picks up at that point, showing that the comparatively stable firearms law situation through the 1980, punctuated by a gun control drive in 1982 and 83, remained stabel aat just below four million committed crimes.
A gun control campaign Handgun Control, Inc. built around an “assault weapons ban” committed reported crimes rose t,926,000 crimes, and committed crimes rose to more than 4,100,000. And then States began following Florida’s lead and going to the “must issue” Concealed Weapons Permits”
caused the number of committed crimes to spike to 4,220,000 and reported crimes to rise :Like a boulder ddropping from a high ccliff.” By 2003, the risk of becoming a victim of a violent crime had dropped to 1,393,000 in 2003, with the rate of decline dropped to a crawl because of heaily funded efforts by the gun ban industry.
Punt the history of post 1963 American gun control in a better perspective for the layman, the mythical “Average American” had 1 chance in 980 of becoming a victim of a violent crime.
By 1973 that risk had increased to one chance in 240.
By 1993 that chance had declined further, to one in 142.
And under the influence of generally relaxed gun laws, by 2013 an “average American’s” risk of becoming a victim of a reported violent crime was one in 253.
For 2019, the risk of becoming a victim of a reported violent crime was one in 353. And this is despite the more than one billion dollars the billionaires have poured into gun ban campaigns since 2013.
Now, go back and look at that chart again. The red line shows that when gun laws are relaxed the percentage of crimes reported to the police converge. See how close the Dark blue and red lines are together at the right of the chart? They are even closer today, thanks to relaxed gun laws.
And then, way down at the bottom is the black line, showing the percentage of people arrested for crime has not changed much. Largely because of threats to those who might considering tipping the police to criminal activity.
The experience of all 50 States, plus the District of Columbia is not reflected in this chart. Some state legislators and city fathers have passsed even more draconian gun laws – and for those that have been in effect for some time, the data shows the people are paying a dear price for their fearless leaders foolishness in enacting laws that have always resulted in much higher crime levels.
In fact, there are many city aldermen, mayors, State legislators, and governors who are literally quivering with eagerness to restore the draconian laws that caused the rise in crime to start with, and even more failed gun laws to the ones we thought we got rid of.