Gun Rights

Originally published on August 3, 2012at: The most recent episode in the peculiarly American epidemic of mass shootings happened yesterday, March 22, 2021, in Boulder, Colorado. Everybody knows the bare details as broadcast on the mainstream media and most people are expecting the seemingly inevitable – and illogical – revenge/retaliations against Middle Eastern immigrants.
This past week and weekend, Governor Kristi Noem signed multiple pro-gun and self-defense bills into law.  These important measures work to further strengthen and protect the Second Amendment right to self-defense in the Mount Rushmore State.  Those measures enacted are outlined below: Senate Bill 100 provides protections for gun stores, ranges, or any other entity that engages in the
Yesterday, committees in both chambers of the West Virginia Legislature voted to advance the pro-gun bills before them. Senate Bill 458 protects Second Amendment rights during emergencies, and House Bill 2793 establishes a nonresident carry permit. These bills now go to the floors of their respective chambers for further consideration. Please click the “Take Action”
The Boulder, Colorado supermarket shooting that left 10 people dead on Monday has put a spotlight on a recent court decision that blocked the city from enforcing a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. Boulder County District Judge Andrew Hartman on March 12 agreed with plaintiffs that Boulder’s ban on possessing and transferring commonly-possessed
Another day, another school shooting. This is America’s new normal. On Friday, May 18, 2018, ten people were killed and several more injured when 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis opened fire on his classmates at Santa Fe High School in Texas. Most of the victims were students. In 2018, there were 103 school shootings, and more than 3,500 children killed
Jordan Sellergren/Little Village The Iowa Senate passed two bills concerning gun sales on Monday. The first removes the requirement for a person to be licensed to buy or carry a gun, and the second provides broad immunity against lawsuits to gun manufacturers and dealers. Both bills passed the Republican-controlled chamber on party-line votes. HF 756
President Joe Biden called on Tuesday for a US ban on assault weapons, after the country’s second mass shooting in a week left 10 people dead in Colorado and sparked urgent new calls for gun control. Addressing a nation long traumatised by gun massacres in schools, nightclubs, movie theatres and many other public spaces, Biden
Nick Penzenstadler, USA TODAY; Brian Freskos, The Trace  |  USA TODAY Show Caption Hide Caption Colorado mass shooting: Boulder community remembers 10 lives lost Boulder, Colorado mourns the ten people murdered during a shooting rampage inside a King Soopers grocery store. staff video, USA TODAY On March 12, a Colorado judge struck down Boulder’s municipal
“We need to end this epidemic with a comprehensive nationwide approach. Expanded background checks. Extreme risk laws to prevent suicides, mass shootings and hate crimes. Protecting domestic violence victims and safe storage standards,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. “These kind of measures are within our reach.” In the wake of another mass shooting that took