Gun Rights

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Rep. Thomas Massie and Second Amendment advocates are pushing back against the Biden administration’s upcoming rule on “ghost guns,” characterizing the rule to rein in privately made firearms without serial numbers as unconstitutional. “The Constitution does not authorize the federal government to prevent you from making your
NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The NRA slammed the Biden administration’s expected new rule cracking down on “ghost guns,” arguing the administration is not “truly sincere” on curbing violent crimes until criminals are put behind bars.  “An administration that’s truly sincere and resolute about curbing violent crime rates would do one thing:
Today, the Biden Administration announced the nomination of Steven Dettelbach as the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”), subject to Senate confirmation. With Dettelbach’s nomination, President Biden has chosen to double-down on his attempt to put a gun control advocate in charge of the agency responsible for regulating America’s firearms
The Republican Party is committed to tearing America apart by pitting us against each other. Why would they do this? Here’s a clue: 63 Republicans voted this week against a resolution in support of NATO. Yes, they voted for Putin’s side of the war. Seriously. Although it’s been largely ignored by American TV media, you
One Chicago alderman recently described his city as “the land of the lost … a lawless land” where “[c]rime has taken over.” As carjackings, robberies, thefts and assaults continue to spike, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has pinned the blame on everything except her own administration. At a recent event, part of a series of “community
The social sciences thrive on making the uncomplicated complex and the actually complicated oversimplified. Rejecting all of human experience, social “scientists” concoct ever-more elaborate mental gymnastics to explain how soft-on-crime policies won’t harm efforts to keep crime in check. At the same time, other “researchers” claim to be able to tell you, down to the
Everyone knows that Joe Biden has one of the most serious polling problems in presidential history when it comes to his plummeting approval rating. Or, perhaps more appropriate, his skyrocketing disapproval rating. He has lost support from virtually every demographic imaginable, and on virtually every policy position, and many political prognosticators point to this precipitous
Last night, the Alabama Legislature adjourned sine die from its 2022 legislative session. During this historic session, the Legislature passed the NRA-backed House Bill 272, constitutional carry. Then, Governor Kay Ivey promptly signed it into law within hours. This was a hard won victory, as the Alabama Sheriffs Association (ASA), unsurprisingly, fought against it, and
Today, the California Legislature started their spring recess, which will continue through next week when they return for more policy hearings. This week, the California Legislature took the following actions on bills: Senate Appropriations Committee: Senate Bill 865, introduced by Senator Dodd, increases the maximum eligible age for a reduced-fee junior hunting license from 16, to
Today, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers disagreed with the state legislature and the law-abiding gun owners that they represent, by vetoing Assembly Bill 495 and Assembly Bill 518.  While expected, we are still disappointed in Governor Evers’ continued disregard for law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights. Assembly Bill 495, sponsored by Representative Robert Brooks (R-60), allows adults who are licensed to