Maryland Governor Larry Hogan VS Bloomberg’s Gun Control Propagandist David Hogg

Gun News

FOX News reports on a tangle between former Parkland High School Shooting survivor and Bloomberg’s gun “control” propagandist David Hogg.

Hogg claims violent crime in the disarmed communities within Chicago, New Yourk City, and other places are rooted in “red lining” during the 1930’s

Looking over the FOX report, I feel Hogg’s words are an indication Bloomberg has is moving to support the “Defund the Police” movement and by extension the entire “Cancel Culture” operation. But in many cases those neighborhoods the real estate and financial industries essentially set aside as ghettos had crime rates that were as low, or lower, than the rates in the Paleface enclaves, right up to early 1964 and the start of Hollywood’s “send the Army and take the guns” campaign.

Remember, by 2020 standards, Chicago, Detroit, The District of Columbia Baltimore, Philadelphia, Trenton, Hartford, and Boston all had violent crime rates that were only a fraction of today’s rates – and the red lined “neighborhoods” had violent crime rates that were not greatly in excess of the lowest crime neighborhood in a given city.

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So on the basis of the facts, Hogg’s hypotheisis is not supported by the facts.

On the other hand, Hogan sent in the State Police and the National Guard and put a stop to bloody riots in Baltimore,. At the same time, he directed that peaceful protestors be given their Constitutional Right to peacefully protest. and the violent soon melted away, leaving the law abiding with a grievance to seek redress.

Hogan might rate higher in my ratings if he had more rational individuals in the Maryland Legislature. But Hogan has signed a number of counterproductive gun ban precursors into law, that should have been rejected in Annapolis before they were ever mad law to harass the law abiding majoritU.

Readers can verify the FBI numbers this chart is based on here

As a result of that gun ban majority in the Maryland legislature the state’s violent crime rates have all remained extremely high, instead of dropping to below 50 percent of the 1990’s violent crime rates. And of course it is very likely that Baltimore will hit 275 murders this year, and very likely 400 in 2021.


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