Colorado: Guns & Ammo Excise Tax Passes Senate Appropriations Committee

Gun Rights

Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed HB 24-1349, the guns & ammo excise tax. HB 24-1349 reduces the tax from 9% down to 6.5%. The bill will now head to the Senate floor for a vote. Please contact your Senator and urge them to OPPOSE HB 24-1349 by using the Take Action button below.

HB 24-1349, as amended, creates an 6.5% excise tax on the sale of all firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition in the state. If passed, the tax will be on the ballot for voter approval this Fall. Firearms and ammunition are already subject to an 11% federal excise tax through the Pittman-Robertson Act, along with a variety of other state and local taxes and fees. California is the only other state to enact similar legislation. This tax should be seen as nothing more than an attack on the Second Amendment and those who exercise their rights under it.

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