Louisiana: Pro-Gun Bills Eligible for House Floor Votes – Take Action!

Gun Rights

Last week, three important pro-gun bills, SB 152, SB 194, and SB 214, passed the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee and are now eligible for votes on the House floor. Get involved today by clicking the Take Action button below to contact your state representative and urge them to SUPPORT SB 152, SB 194, and SB 214.


SB 152 makes technical changes to clarify existing statutes providing uniformity throughout state law as it pertains to carrying a concealed firearm.

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SB 194 enhances and strengthens Louisiana’s existing firearm preemption laws to ensure statewide uniformity. SB 194 expands the types of behavior political subdivisions are generally prohibited from regulating, provides standing for both individuals and organizations to seek declaratory and injunctive relief when political subdivisions are in violation, and requires political subdivisions to repeal any offending ordinances or regulations within six months of the bill’s enactment.

SB 214 will create a uniform set of laws pertaining to the carrying of concealed firearms in dining establishments, ensuring law-abiding citizens have the right to defend themselves and their families.

Your active participation is vital to preserving our Second Amendment rights. Stay tuned to www.NRAILA.org and your email inbox for updates regarding Second Amendment and hunting-related legislation.

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