Colorado: Three Anti-Gun Bills Advance – Contact Representatives Now!

Gun Rights

Last night, the Colorado general Assembly continued its attempts to whittle down Second Amendment protections in Colorado. Two anti-gun bills, House Bill 24-1349 and House Bill 24-1353, passed the House Appropriations Committee and have advanced to the House floor, and Senate Bill 24-131 advanced from House Judiciary into Appropriations. Please contact your legislators NOW and urge them to OPPOSE HB24-1349, HB24-1353, and SB 24-131!

Take Action – Contact Your Representative and Urge Them to OPPOSE HB 24-1349 and HB 24-1353!

HB 24-1349 creates an 11% excise tax on the sale of all firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition in the state. If passed, the tax will be on the ballot this Fall. Firearms and ammunition are already subject to an 11% federal excise tax through the Pittman-Robertson Act, along with a variety of other state and local taxes and fees. California is the only other state to enact similar legislation. This tax should be seen as nothing more than an attack on the Second Amendment and those who exercise their rights under it.

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HB 24-1353 creates a state permitting system for federally regulated firearm license holders. The new permit adds one more layer of scrutiny and potentially state sanctioned harassment of these already highly regulated businesses. 

Take Action – Contact the House Appropriations Committee and Urge Them to OPPOSE SB 24-131!

SB 24-131 expands Colorado’s “sensitive places,” also knows as gun-free zones. Though the version is the House has narrower definitions following amendments by the Senate, the bill is still a threat to law-abiding gun owners. 94% of mass shootings occur in these gun-free zones; signage is not enough to stop criminals. Law-abiding gun owners should not face criminal penalties for simply crossing arbitrary lines. Criminals, by their very nature, do not abide by laws or regulations; thus, they are undeterred by the prospect of encountering unarmed individuals. Instead, these zones disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving them vulnerable and defenseless in the face of danger.

Your immediate assistance is needed!  It is imperative that you contact your Representative NOW and urge them to OPPOSE these bills, which would severely restrict law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen! Please share this alert with your family and friends and ask them to do the same.

The NRA-ILA will work diligently to defend your Second Amendment rights by opposing these bills. Continue to check your inbox and the NRA-ILA website for updates concerning your Second Amendment Rights and hunting heritage in Colorado.

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