CBS CHEERS Kansas City Shooting ‘Helping Renew’ Push Against Gun Rights

Gun Rights

After conspicuously not pushing gun control following the Lakewood megachurch shooting in Texas last week, likely because good guys with guns put down the shooter, CBS Mornings spent part of their Friday show morbidly cheering on how the Kansas City Super Bowl parade shooting was “helping renew” the left’s fight against gun rights with a so-called “assault weapons” ban.

“And the shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl parade is helping renew the conversation about how to curb gun violence in America, including how to limit easy access to military-style rifles,” co-anchor Tony Dokoupil announced.

He added: “It’s been 20 years since the ban on assault rifles expired, and that includes the AR-15 and weapons similar to it. Weapons that have been used in many of the nation’s deadliest mass shootings.”

In a report featuring a sit-down conversation with several mass shooting survivors, CBS correspondent Nicole Sganga promoted the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearm Exclusion Act (the so-called GOSAFE Act), the latest reincarnation of the unconstitutional assault weapons ban.

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Of course, at no point did they mention that the 1994 assault weapons ban did nothing to curb gun violence in America, hence why it was allowed to expire. They also failed to mention that the Columbine school shooting the worst school shooting in America, at the time, occurred during the first so-called assault weapon ban.

“Survivors are partnering with the nonpartisan organization March Fourth. They’re now searching for Republican co-sponsors for the GOSAFE Act,” Sganga touted.

A visit to March Fourth’s website proves that they’re not anything except left-leaning. They proclaim their mission is to “Ban assault weapons in America right now.” “Federally banning assault weapons is a simple, non-political issue,” they oversimplified the removal of constitutional rights. And they use the liberal talking point that they’re targeting “Weapons of war.”

“According to the latest CBS News poll, 63 percent of Americans support a ban on AR-15 semiautomatic weapons, including four out of ten gun owners,” Sganga concluded.

Despite CBS trying to gin up support for the GOSAFE Act, analysis from The Reload showed that the bill had already fallen flat since “the bill continues to languish in the Democratic-controlled Senate.”

Following Sganga’s report, Democratic donor and Obama vacation pal Gayle King used the show to promote liberal politicians and gun control legislation and instructing people to vote for them. “Thank you, Nicole. Very nice job. We needed a story like that this morning,” she touted the effort. “And that’s why it’s important to vote for people who think the way you do.”

An inconvenient truth that often goes ignored by the anti-gun rights media was a Georgetown University study published in 2022, which found that “approximately a third of gun owners (31.1%) have used a firearm to defend themselves or their property, often on more than one occasion, and it estimates that guns are used defensively by firearms owners in approximately 1.67 million incidents per year.”

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

CBS Mornings
February 16, 2024
7:30:10 a.m. Eastern

TONY DOKOUPIL: And the shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl parade is helping renew the conversation about how to curb gun violence in America, including how to limit easy access to military-style rifles. It’s been 20 years since the ban on assault rifles expired, and that includes the AR-15 and weapons similar to it. Weapons that have been used in many of the nation’s deadliest mass shootings. Nicole Sganga sat down with gun violence survivors and family members who are rallying to revive the measure hoping to save lives.


7:33:32 a.m. Eastern

NICOLE SGANGA: Survivors are partnering with the nonpartisan organization March Fourth. They’re now searching for Republican co-sponsors for the Go Safe Act. The NRA opposes the bill, calling it unconstitutional. According to the latest CBS News poll, 63 percent of Americans support a ban on AR-15 semiautomatic weapons, including four out of ten gun owners. Gayle.

GAYLE KING: Yeah. Thank you, Nicole. Very nice job. We needed a story like that this morning. Thank you so much.

It’s just a reminder, again – you know, because you see these statistics, X amount of people shot, X amount survived, but you see they still carry this all these years later.

We have to remind people, and nothing changes.

VLADIMIR DUTHIERS: The polling that shows that the majority of Americans want to see that kind of change that we just saw in Nicole’s report. Why aren’t lawmakers listening?

DOKOUPIL: It’s easier said than done, but it’s true that once you pull the trigger you can never un-pull it. And people are tired of it.

KING: And that’s why it’s important to vote for people who think the way you do.

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