Idaho: Firearm Industry Discrimination Bill Introduced

Gun Rights

On Thursday, February 7th, Senate Bill 1291 was introduced in the state legislature. The NRA supported a previous version of this bill, HB 189, in 2023, and is supporting this bill as it advances through the legislature. 

SB 1291 prohibits public contracts with individuals or companies that are boycotting certain industries, including those that engage in or support the manufacture, distribution, sale, or use of firearms. This bill would require those who contract with the state to disclose if their policies discriminate against the firearms industry. 

The bill has been referred to the Senate State Affairs Committee. In addition, HB 415, which will allow school faculty to concealed carry on school property, is also slated for review in this committee. Please contact the committee members and ask them to SUPPORT these two bills by using the Take Action button below.

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