Letters to the editor for Sunday, January 14, 2024

Gun Rights

Our readers share their opinions on a variety of topics

Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions to mailbag@news-press.com and for the Naples Daily News to letters@naplesnews.com

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Restricting social media use

More regulation in the Free State of Florida?

In response to your January 9th article regarding a proposed bill to restrict social media use by those under 16:

We’re so busy protecting the vulnerable, we are reducing the rights and freedom of our citizens. Our Republican led state Legislature is forgetting the number one core principle of our party: Individual Freedom.  Our individual, God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion.

Social media messages imbed points of view.  They spread hate in addition to bullying. Let’s first start by educating students on social media literacy. 

The Mobile Museum of Tolerance, a Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum, has a program of Digital Media Literacy.  The purpose is to inspire people of all ages and backgrounds; empowering them to raise their voices to combat hate in its many forms: antisemitism, bullying, racism and intolerance, and to promote human dignity.  mmot.com/education/mmot-workshops/

We are not going to be able to stop the posting of terrible content, but we can educate our children to recognize and reject it.  Let’s educate in order to empower our youth.  Let’s teach them how to learn tolerance and respect and to differentiate between positive and hateful social media messages.

Kathi Lewis, Naples

About the governor

The most interesting mailbag subject in The News-Press today was the complaint that The News-Press failed to publish positive statements about our governor in the mailbag section.

There were two mailbag articles that were published, stating they were correcting that failure. The statements they included as positive support for their argument I thought were all negative things the governor did or said.

I won’t support a candidate for governor (or president), who thinks he is more Trump than Trump, and is out to prove it.

Lewis Robinson, Fort Myers

Twisting of reality

I listened to Elise Stefanik refer to the ones arrested for January 6th offenses as hostages. It appears so disingenuous yet unfortunately a sign of our times. I watched January 6th and saw the charge and damage to the Capitol. I believe that if Vice President Pence was found, he would not have been simply escorted out or given a tour. I have learned that President Trump had knowledge that persons gathered for his support had weapons and he acknowledged they were not there to harm him. He then sent them to the Capitol with the intent to change the process of our government, stop the electoral count, with the belief we would no longer have our country. He inspired anger and the wish for an attack. I watched the people commit crimes in front of my eyes. They went past the police, injured some and damaged the structure. In other words, they committed crimes. Anyone can disagree with election choices and the result. The prior and legal review of Trump appointed judges did not substantiate fraud. Many disagree with the conclusion and that is their right. It is my opinion that those that caused bodily and structural harm, as well as a threat to legally elected congressmen and appointed police, were not hostages once apprehended. The intensity of the twisting of reality is discouraging, alarming and disappointing. This is particularly so regarding elected officials, including Stefanik. She is not truth but twisted hope to simply win at all costs.

Will Sass, Naples

Listen to Biden’s words

Give yourself and your family a special gift this week.Listen together to the words of President Joe Biden in his speech on the third anniversary of the attack on the Capitol.Then have a talk about what you value most in our country.Nothing anyone can say will be clearer than what he shares in this speech. I challenge all to hear him.Then if you feel like it, write back and tell this community what it makes you think about!It’s easy to get in entirety on CSPAN or lots of internet spotsMary Lewis Sheehan, St James City

See the irony?

I find it a bit hypocritical and downright hilarious that the Republican Party is supposed to be the party of family and of saving our children from the evils of sex. Yet, Ziegler, the head of the Republican Party in Florida, and his wife, co-founder of Moms for Liberty and School Board member, has had sex with someone they are not married to – a threesome. Also, Christian Ziegler is ACCUSED of rape and the GOP removed him from office. Yet, if anyone ACCUSES Trump of wrongdoing, and has proof, (he was convicted of sexual assault) then the Republicans declare war against anyone involved in those accusations. Does anyone see the irony in this?

P. Williams, Naples

Weakness on display

Are you embarrassed? Are you ashamed of the feckless Biden administration and our totally incompetent (but woke!) military? If you answered yes, you are a patriotic American. If you answered no, you’re a Democrat.

The secretary of defense takes a few days off to correct a plumbing problem AND DOESN’T TELL ANYONE! In the military, this is called absent without leave (AWOL) and has severe punishments depending upon the length of time one goes AWOL. But this is not some “poor, dumb (soldier)“ as general Patton said, it’s the secretary of Defense! The ignoramus should be fired because of what he did, and because he’s too stupid to resign. What if Iran had tossed a test nuke toward Israel while our top military boss was under sedation? Do you expect our senile president to act intelligently without the advice of his own purported experts? So what is the Department of Defense to do? Number one is down and number two is on vacation and has no clue what’s going on. Does it remind you of the Chinese spy balloon that casually traveled over the U.S. and Canada, pausing now and then over our military bases to take pictures and gather who knows what intelligence? How does it feel to know that the enemies of America are salivating at this incomprehensible morass? If this is not the time to attack America, then I certainly can’t imagine a better one. Our weakness is on display to the world. Only God can help us while fools run the country.

Gary Marsh, Estero

Electric vehicle registration fees

Well in case you are not aware, the cost of an electric vehicle just increased again!The initial cost far surpassed estimates and sales have slowed near the end of the year.But a new fee might surprise you after purchase.The Transportation Modernization Act of 2023 allows states to attach additional fees to the annual vehicle registration fee.These fees will apply to both all electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles.Because of the loss of taxes associated with gas sales some buyers could end up paying $200 for their vehicles each year!States are requiring owners to pay these fees in addition to their annual registration fees.These fees go into effect this year.These fees will be adjusted annually for inflation.Dennis Rosenhagen, Naples

Vote for democracy

Our own Representative “Speaker of the House in waiting” Byron Donalds recently said he was sent to Congress to “blow things up.” As someone who has worked in counterterrorism for a few years, I would remind him that one danger for those with bad intentions who engage in bomb-making is that they frequently find themselves being blown up by the very devices meant to harm others.   Shakespeare called it “hoisted on your own petard.”  Mr. Donalds and his fellow Freedom Caucus members and other Republicans in the House of Representatives gave the country a peek into their governing ability when the country was treated to the fifteen rounds of Republican harmonious governing at work to elect their own speaker when they were presented with both the opportunity and the power to do so quickly and efficiently and to then quickly get on with the nation’s business. They proved incapable. Republicans ousted that speaker less than a year later in yet another collective temper tantrum, putting the country’s business on hold once again while Republicans pouted about not getting their way.  They went back to more bomb-making. Those bomb-making efforts elevated  an election denier to be second in line to the presidency and someone who believes the United States should be a theocracy, akin to an Iranian or Saudi government, replete with “clothes police” poking women with sticks in public whom they deem “improperly clad,” no doubt. Sorry folks, I have seen it.  November provides an opportunity for genuine citizens and patriots, not the January 6 MAGA fair weather types or the Republicans who quiver in their boots for fear of criticizing a former president who incited an insurrection, to  ensure that any bombs going off in this country inflict harm only on those making them and not those who understand as  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “we may have all come on different ships, but we are in the same boat now.“ Vote for democracy folks. All of the other pressing issues will get sorted out under its umbrella, as they always have.

Thomas Minor, Bonita Springs

Constitution is clear

It’s not political. It’s the Constitution. Often legal questions are complicated and require appeals to SCOTUS to determine a legal precedent. I am reading endless reasons why the former president should be on the primary and likely the national presidential ballots. Why? The 14th Amendment, section 3 is clear. If you have sworn an oath to “…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, so help me God” and then involve yourself in an insurrection against the U.S. you are ineligible to ever again hold public office. It’s not debatable. It’s clear. Trump was profoundly involved in the January 6th riots and attempted overthrow of the presidential transfer of power and interruption of the counting of electoral ballots. In many, many ways. Trust your eyes and ears and rational mind. You were witness that day and many days since. Regardless of the perpetual, yeah but… by Fox News, Republicans’ and dear leader’s lies. You were witness. By mere involvement the Constitution clearly states Trump is thereby ineligible. It does not require an explanation. If one is not 35 years of age, not born on American soil there’s no discussion. If one has served two terms as president they are ineligible. No explanation necessary. It’s the Constitution. SCOTUS knows this. Their only play is to kick the decision back to the states and stall. But since we are allowing MAGA Republicans to add their usual mucous to the situation then I have a suggestion. The Democrats should run Barack Obama. Why not?

Peter Karastamatis, Fort Myers

No one is above the law

The article by John Fritze suggests that the Court will look for an “off ramp” and decide narrowly but they have a better option:

Our U.S. Supreme Court is being tested once again amid increasing distrust by Americans. Chief Justice John Roberts is struggling with a divided court and one which is considered seriously partisan. Many have observed that 9-0 decisions could restore some confidence by the American people. Roberts has an opportunity close at hand; he should jump on it. Namely, the highly dangerous position taken by Donald Trump that presidents are immune from prosecution while in office. Clearly this should not be allowed as it would be contradicted by the core principle of our democracy: no one is above the law. It is a slam dunk issue and time is of the essence.

But the Court has another issue that should be, on the face of it, a non-partisan one – whether the 14th Amendment preempts Trump from holding further office, that states that deny him a place on the ballot have the right to do so and that the Court decrees that Trump is not qualified to ever again hold elective office. The wording of the Constitution couldn’t be clearer. Both the intent of the drafters and the prescribed remedy were clearly debated and proclaimed when the need to address the issue was most clearly felt by the American people. The textualists and “original intent” members of the Court should have no trouble supporting this law. The justices who strongly support states’ rights should find ample evidence to agree with recent efforts by Colorado and Maine. 

Some suggest that denying Trump will result in protest, unrest, and further divide the country. While that may result, allowing him to resume the presidency would unleash at least as much action if not more. People also say that this is a complex issue and that only the people can decide at the ballot box, but the people already did decide that they did not want Trump to resume a tumultuous and dangerous presidency when they failed to re-elect him in 2020.  

Others say that we must convict him in a court of law before we can deny him office based on the 14th Amendment, but serious and very experienced legal minds can find no provision in the Constitution to support that requirement. 

Mr. Trump has repeatedly evidenced his disdain for the rule of law and the terms of the oath he took when he assumed the presidency.  He does not deserve consideration as a candidate to repeat his tumultuous rule. The Constitution makes no provision for “do-overs.”

Ray Nord, Naples

Defense secretary’s absence

The slow leak of information regarding Secretary of Defense Austin keeps suggesting more to worry about. Not only was he out of service for several days, but the second in command was not only not aware of it, she herself was out of touch while on vacation in the Caribbean. With all the threats around the world, we cannot have our Defense Department without leadership. Not only is it totally inappropriate for President Biden to not be aware of the situation, it suggests that he is not at all involved in any event. It is my understanding that President Biden and some group of legislators are given daily briefings. For the Austin situation to not be included in the daily briefing is a nightmare situation. If this had happened during the Trump administration, Trump would have been appropriately chastised and you know Trump would have had heads rolled. Let’s see what our president does about it.

Ron Wobbeking, Naples

‘Smart Summary’ indecipherable

I just received my “Smart Summary” from my health care provider.  Judging from the name (Smart Summary), I was excited to think I will finally be able to understand what my provider and I pay for medical services.  Well, my excitement turned to disappointment rather quickly after opening the file.  I have always considered myself to be fairly smart, so a smart summary should be easy for me to understand − right?  Not so fast!

My smart summary was more indecipherable than the Bible and the 2nd Amendment!  After hours of reading, I was convinced that my doctor owed me money!  So, where’s my check, doc?!  If I’m reading this correctly, my doctor would be more highly compensated working at Publix applying those annoying stickers to the kumquats!  

A more accurate title for this document would be, “So You Think You’re Smart Summary!”  The mandatory reading of this summary would be an appropriate punishment for first time offenders!  “Sir, I find you guilty of trespassing.  Read the Smart Summary!”  I’ll bet even that “for the people” dude wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of it!  

Consequently, I called my accountant for help.  That was several weeks ago and they haven’t returned my call!  Next, I called my lawyer.  They said they were busy, but would read it and call me back.  After three weeks without a return call, I called their office.  I was told, after receiving my call, they moved to Antarctica where there’s no phone service!  My final attempt to decipher this summary consisted of a phone call directly to my health care provider.  Apparently, the next available agent wasn’t available!  After holding for 60 minutes, I was advised to record my phone number and reason for the call, I wouldn’t lose my place in line, and an agent would call me back within 12 minutes.  Well, that was two weeks ago!  I guess I lost my place in line!  

Jay Custa, Estero

Water infrastructure

The Infrastructure bill has been making a difference throughout our country. This bill allowed 1.2 trillion for specific projests and awards to communities in all 50 states, territories and tribes.New jobs are being created in green advancement and growth. These projects will not be completed instantly but will be evolving over the next decade.In this article I will write about water, with a passion. ( I am historically from Michigan and lived and worked in or by Flint, Michigan) In this bill 55.4 billion is allocated to make needed repairs to water infrastructures. Ten million households and 400,000 schools and child care centers lack safe drinking water. (whitehouse.gov)

This will eliminate lead pipes across the country, to tribal nations and rural towns.Water funding is being appropriated through the Environmental Protection Agency and tribal grants.Access to clean drinking water should eliminate problems with lead ingestion.Lead is a neurotoxin that damages the brain, and lead can accumulate in the human body and can last 28 days in a blood system. Lead can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, too. In pregnant women lead can lead to miscarriages, stillborns, premature babies or birth weight.Thank you President Biden for being a large force for changing water in America.Kathleen Callard, RNBS, North Fort Myers

Recycled rancid rhetoric

The latest school shooting, this one in Perry, Iowa, was mind-numbing for many people so accustomed to these occurrences with increasing regularity that they treat it nonchalantly as just more of the same.

So, too, did the  trio of Republican presidential candidates campaigning in the Hawkeye State, displaying more of the same old myopia that they’ve been expressing for years.

Nikki Haley renewed the ineffectual GOP mantra for “more health services,” a favorite theme of the National Rifle Association and its long-time head Wayne LaPierre, who’s headed out the door in light of the charges of long-standing massive and unauthorized excessive spending and other improprieties leveled against him in a trial in New York.

Our Governor DeSantis derided those urging legislation or regulatory action at the federal level to curb the proliferation of firearms, preferring to handle the matter on a state-by-state basis. But he overlooked that he has promoted the kind of overly permissive gun laws like the permitless carry measure that are so inimical to public safety.

It’s not clear what another rival, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, had to say because he studiously avoids Iowa and was off campaigning to be elected president in New Hampshire.

Then, there’s former President Trump, who expressed regret for what he termed a “terrible” incident and comforted the community and the bereaved family of the slain youth and the injured other students and staff with the reassurance to “move on” or, in New Yorkeese, “fuggitaboutit.”

The insouciance of the GOP  is reminiscent of the “What Me Worry” outlook of Alfred E. Newman, the off-kilter comedic symbol of Mad magazine.

But it’s maddening to listen to that recycled rancid rhetoric from the GOP contenders.

At least they didn’t offer their “hearts and prayers.”

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

Florida surgeon general

Dr. Joseph Ladapo has yet again proven that an M.D. may know little to nothing about Molecular Biology, Virology or Vaccinology. In his recent letter to the FDA and CDC, Ladapo revealed a minimal understanding of vaccine preparation and composition as well as the fate of extranuclear DNA in the cell and its oncogenic potential. And although Joe whined publicly that the FDA incompletely addressed his concerns, his complaint was shown to be false if one read the point by point FDA counter response that addressed every issue Ladapo raised. In his letter, Joe habitually spouted details not based on any experiments or scientific principles; therefore, the FDA suggested — as do I — that he do some reading of the relevant scientific literature before further placing Florida citizens in harm’s way.  Notably, Ladapo falsely points out that DNA contaminants in mRNA vaccines can integrate into the recipient’s DNA and cause harm. But when we eat plants or animals, we all consume significant amounts of DNA from the food’s cells and that DNA is effectively processed, degraded, and destroyed.  As of today, my skin has not yet turned orange nor have my toes grown roots although I have enjoyed eating carrots (and ingesting their DNA) for over 60 years.  The Florida surgeon general needs to stop demonizing technology that has been studied for many years and saved millions of humans from hospitalization and death.    

Kim Finer, Ph.D., Naples

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