The View’s Republicans Blame ‘Gun-Owner Apologists’ for Mass Shootings

Gun Rights

The term “RINO” didn’t begin to describe the level of contempt the so-called “conservatives” of ABC’s The View had for the ideology and people they purported to represent. In the wake of the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, FAKE conservatives Alyssa Farah Griffin and Ana Navarro spewed pure ignorance and hatred at any Republican (politician and private citizen) who supported the Second Amendment and wanted their gun rights secured; openly blaming law-abiding gun owners for mass shootings.

Farah Griffin began her uniformed screed by falsely claiming that gun violence and mass shootings were a “uniquely American problem.” And she tried to portray herself as a knowledgeable commentator who supported the Second Amendment because her husband “owns a gun.”

According to an NPR report from 2019, in the Western Hemisphere alone, the U.S.’s per capita gun deaths were more than eclipsed by at least 10 different countries. Gun violence was one of the leading reasons why people were fleeing Central and South American countries for the U.S.

To further prove her ignorance of firearms and the laws that govern firearm transactions, Farah Griffin began rattling off numbers from an undisclosed poll to suggest that Republican politicians weren’t listening to their constituents. “87 percent of voters support requiring criminal background checks to own a firearm,” she shouted.

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But despite her insinuation that there were parts of America that didn’t require background checks to purchase firearms, background checks were already federally mandated. So, no matter which state a gun was being purchased in, a background check would have to be performed.

Navarro, who once bragged about introducing her “wealth clients” to allegedly corrupt Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (NJ), declared that no Republican in office actually sported the Second Amendment nor had constituents that cared about their gun rights. According to her, they were all “bought and paid for” by the NRA and other “special interests.”

“The Republicans in Washington are bought and paid for by special interests, by gun manufacturers, and that’s who they are responding to and that’s who they are representing, not their constituents,” she sneered.

“I don’t know how anybody in America right now feels safe,” she squealed as she insanely compared the reporters covering the Maine shooting to war reporters in Israel and Ukraine:

You know, yesterday I was watching the news on this and it is so striking to see news anchors in Israel and in the Middle East covering what’s happening there and those countries in Ukraine and Israel and Gaza, it’s extreme terrorists killing people, it’s foreign foes killing people. In America, it’s Americans killing Americans. We are our own worst enemies and our Congress is paralyzed and incapable of doing anything to address it because they cower of the special interests of the NRA and shame on them. And shame on people who keep voting for them.

Navarro would later blame all mass shootings and gun deaths on anyone who exercised their Second Amendment rights. “It’s all about you all who keep electing gun-rights apologists, gun-owner apologists,” she bleated. “Do the people in Canada have better hearts? Do the people in Finland have better hearts than Americans do?”

The only thing rotten here was the fake conservatives on The View.

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

ABC’s The View
October 27, 2023
11:05:16 a.m. Eastern


ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: I hate how many times we’ve talked about this issue, because gun violence and American mass shootings is a uniquely American problem and we’re failing a generation of kids by not doing enough to solve it.

There is a massive disconnect between Republicans in Washington D.C. – the politicians – and Republicans in the voting public. 87 percent of voters support requiring criminal background checks to own a firearm. 81 percent support raising the legal ages to 21. If you can’t drink you shouldn’t be able to buy a deadly firearm. 80 percent of voters agree police should take away guns from people who are a danger to themselves or others.

We need investment in mental health, that is a fact. Too many people display countless warning signs and don’t know where to go to get resources to treat themselves. But you cannot take guns out of this equation. The gun is what is the factor in this. It’s not just the mental health element.

I beg Republicans – as somebody who is a Republican and my husband owns a gun, I believe in self-defense, I believe in the Second Amendment. But why is this not happening anywhere else in the world. It is just this country. We need to do more.

ANA NAVARRO: I think the tremendous disconnect between Republicans in America and Republicans in Washington is the NRA. The Republicans in Washington are bought and paid for by special interests, by gun manufacturers, and that’s who they are responding to and that’s who they are representing, not their constituents.

It should not take for there to be a gun — a mass gun tragedy in your district for you to change your mind. It shouldn’t take for you to lose somebody in your family for you to change your mind. Because I don’t know how anybody in America right now feels safe.

You know, yesterday I was watching the news on this and it is so striking to see news anchors in Israel and in the Middle East covering what’s happening there and those countries in Ukraine and Israel and Gaza, it’s extreme terrorists killing people, it’s foreign foes killing people. In America, it’s Americans killing Americans. We are our own worst enemies and our Congress is paralyzed and incapable of doing anything to address it because they cower of the special interests of the NRA and shame on them. And shame on people who keep voting for them.


11:14:51 a.m. Eastern

NAVARRO: I don’t think we can settle for this idea that they’re not going to budge in Congress—

SARA HAINES: I can’t settle for no action and that’s what’s happening right now.

NAVARRO: Well, what I’m saying to you is: If they don’t budge, then we as voters got to make them budge. And yesterday Stephen King, who lives in Maine, said something which I think was very relevant. He said, you know. It’s all about you all who keep electing gun-rights apologists, gun-owner apologists. Because this Mike Johnson said yesterday – the new speaker of the House – said that we need to change hearts, not laws. Do the people in Canada have better hearts? Do the people in Finland have better hearts than Americans do?


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