Louisiana: House Committee Preps for “Gun Day” Tomorrow; Contact your Lawmakers Today!

Gun Rights

Tomorrow, May 16, the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee is scheduled to have their “Gun Day,” where they will consider multiple pro- and anti-gun measures!  Three important bills ꟷ HB 131, HB 234, and HB 175 ꟷ will be discussed, and your voice will have a significant impact.  Please take immediate action by using the link below to contact the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee members, and urge them to oppose HB 175, and support HB 131 and 234.


HB 131 is a constitutional carry bill that recognizes the fundamental right of law-abiding adults to carry firearms for self-defense without having to navigate burdensome government regulations.

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HB 234 reduces the 5-year and lifetime concealed handgun permit fees.


HB 175 prohibits firearms in hospitals, mental health facilities, community health centers, and related facilities.

Your opposition to HB 175 is crucial in safeguarding our Second Amendment rights. Gun control and gun-free zones do not achieve their stated goal of protecting our communities from criminals. On the contrary, they disarm law-abiding individuals, and typically cause them to be more vulnerable to crime. Criminals, by definition, do not adhere to the law, so they are largely unaffected by more gun laws.

Update to SB 212, the “red flag” bill that grants the government the authority to confiscate a person’s firearms and infringes upon their Second Amendment rights based on mere speculation and hearsay evidence. After opposition testimonies, this bill was voluntarily deferred in the Senate Judiciary C Committee. Thanks to all the NRA members and second amendment supporters who stayed vigilant in opposing SB 212.

Your ongoing, active participation is vitally important to preserving our Second Amendment rights. Together, we can make a difference!

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