The NRA has engaged in potentially illegal activities. Why hasn’t the IRS revoked its tax status?

Gun Rights

The NRA enjoys a tax status reserved for groups operating in the public interest. As of May 1, more than 13,900 people have been killed by gun violence in the U.S. It should be clear that the NRA is definitely not working toward the betterment of the nation. Moreover, the organization has been repeatedly caught using funds for the personal benefit of its officials or for actions significantly outside their stated missions—actions that are prohibited for tax-exempt organizations.

A Senate investigation revealed the NRA’s collaboration with Russians to influence American elections, with NRA resources being utilized to gain political favors for two Russian individuals. The organization was also accused of misusing its tax-exempt status by funneling millions of dollars to top executives and vendors, yet the IRS never conducted an investigation. It doesn’t end there. Giffords, an advocacy organization led by gun violence survivor and former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, further outlines the NRA’s astonishing array of potentially illegal activities since 2019.

Tax-exempt organizations play an important role in improving the lives of millions of Americans. To maintain integrity and trust, instances of abuse must be investigated and acted upon. No organization that wantonly and repeatedly abuses their tax status should be allowed to continue enjoying privileged tax-exempt status.

The NRA’s internal financial dealings and the organization’s violations of federal laws governing charities are violations. If the NRA is violating the law, then the IRS must revoke its tax-exempt status immediately.

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