Kamala Harris Slams ‘Pitiful’ Congress for Cowering Before Gun Lobby

Gun Rights

Vice President Kamala Harris visited The Jennifer Hudson Show for Thursday’s episode, where she discussed the need for gun control, abortion rights, and more.

On the rash of gun violence in America in recent weeks, Harris told Hudson — who had her own tragic experience with a mass shooting — “We shouldn’t have to be presented with this false choice which suggests you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want reasonable gun-safety laws. That’s a false choice.”

Harris continued: “It is reasonable to say that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America … they were literally designed to be weapons of war. We need an assault-weapons ban. These are reasonable things to do.”

The vice president then talked about the “trauma” that young students are experiencing in schools, where their studies in math and science now include lessons on how to survive mass-shooting situations.

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“I just think it is pitiful that the people in the United States Congress do not have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby, stand up to the NRA, and say, ‘Look, I support the Second Amendment, but we need reasonable gun safety laws,’” Harris said.

Harris and Hudson then discussed a woman’s right to choose in the aftermath of court decisions that attempted to undo Roe v. Wade and limit access to the abortion pill.

“One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree that the government should not be telling her what she should be doing with her body,” Harris said.


“I think this troubles me so when we see what is happening in different places in our country, which is really about rolling back progress.… Now we’re seeing these extreme so-called leaders trying to restrict rights, and on this issue, there is a simple point at play, as far as I’m concerned: Trust women to make decisions in what is their best interest.”

In a lighter moment, Harris also talked about her love of cooking, and doled out advice to young people, including a 10-year-old future reporter from Las Vegas.

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