Tucker Carlson claims 2020 election was ‘rigged against Trump in plain view’

Gun Rights

Tucker Carlson claims 2020 election was ‘rigged against Trump in plain view’ as he bemoans ‘untrustworthy’ electronic voting systems and accuses Dems of conspiring with media and big tech to swing race in Biden’s favor

  • Tucker Carlson claimed the election was ‘rigged in plain view’ jut hours after Trump began transitioning power to Joe Biden, all but conceding the 2020 race 
  • The host said the ‘election wasn’t fair’ and ‘no honest person would claim it was’
  • Carlson began by arguing electronic voting systems couldn’t be trusted, days after blasting lawyer Sidney Powell for making such claims without evidence 
  • The Fox News staple said Democrats conspired with the media and big tech companies to unlawfully bend the contest in Biden’s favor
  • ‘They rigged the election in front of us, and nobody did anything,’ Carlson said
  • Trump took a massive step towards admitting defeat in the election Monday night by saying he was allowing the transition to Joe Biden to begin
  • But Trump immediately claimed he can still overturn his election defeat

Tucker Carlson opened his show Monday night claiming the 2020 election was ‘rigged’ against Trump in plain view, as he accused Democrats of colluding with the media and big tech companies to bend the contest in Biden’s favor.

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The claims came as part of a lengthy monologue by the Fox News host just hours after Trump took a massive step towards admitting defeat in the election by announcing he was allowing the transition to Joe Biden to begin. 

Carlson called the election ‘not fair’ and said that ‘the system was rigged against one candidate and in favor of another… in ways that were not hidden from view.’

‘The 2020 election was not fair,’ he reiterated. ‘No honest person would claim that it was.’

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Tucker Carlson said during a Monday broadcast that the '2020 election was not fair' and that 'no honest person' could say that it was

Tucker Carlson said during a Monday broadcast that the ‘2020 election was not fair’ and that ‘no honest person’ could say that it was

US President-elect Joe Biden leaves the Queen after meeting virtually with the United States Conference of Mayors in Wilmington, Delaware, on November 23, 2020

Trump took a significant step toward admitting defeat on Monday, issuing the green light to begin transition to Joe Biden

The Fox host’s monologue came shortly after Trump took a significant step toward admitting defeat on Monday, issuing the green light to begin transition to Joe Biden 

The top-ranking cable news host began by arguing that electronic voting systems are unreliable and called for a return to hand-counting paper ballots without the use of machines.

Carlson made the argument following a week in which he blasted attorney Sidney Powell – who was disavowed from Trump’s legal team on Sunday – for failing to provide evidence to back up her claims that Dominion Voting Systems were being manipulated to flip Trump votes for Biden. 

‘You’ve heard a lot over the past few days about the security of our electronic voting machines. And this is a real issue, no matter who raises it or who tries to dismiss it out of hand as a conspiracy theory,’ Carlson said.

‘Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand-counting, period. It never will be as secure. Voters can see this because it’s obvious, and it makes them nervous.’ 

Carlson blamed US leaders for sowing the doubt over the machines’ legitimacy, and claimed that other countries have sought to avoid electronic voting because they too ‘know it undermines confidence in democracy’.

‘Going forward, we need to find out exactly what happened in this month’s presidential election. We need to find out no matter how long it takes the investigation to unfold or how much it costs,’ Carlson implored.

‘And once we get answers from that investigation, we ought to revert immediately to the traditional system of voting, the one that served our democracy for hundreds of years. What we are doing now is not working.’

Carlson began his segment by insisting electronic voting machines could not be trusted. Just days earlier, he had criticized attorney Sidney Powell on his show for making such claims without providing evidence to back them up

Sidney Powell, an attorney later disavowed by the Trump campaign, participates in a news conference with U.S. President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. November 19, 2020

Carlson began his segment by insisting electronic voting machines could not be trusted. Just days earlier, he had criticized attorney Sidney Powell (shown right with Giuliani) on his show for making such claims without providing evidence to back them up 

During a bizarre press conference with Rudy Giuliani at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on Thursday, Powell wildly claimed the president had actually won the election ‘by a landslide’ but had been cheated by an 'algorithm' designed by Dominion Voting Systems

During a bizarre press conference with Rudy Giuliani at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on Thursday, Powell wildly claimed the president had actually won the election ‘by a landslide’ but had been cheated by an ‘algorithm’ designed by Dominion Voting Systems

President Trump and allies within his administration have routinely argued since Election Day that the 2020 race was ‘rigged’.

Trump, who has not yet officially conceded the race, is also waging a series of legal fights in several battleground states to contest results and order recounts. So far, the pursuits have proved fruitless.

Equally, evidence of widespread voter fraud is still yet to be proven or disclosed by Trump’s legal team, which is being spearheaded by his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

Earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security released a joint statement along with a number of partners and advisers that insisted there ‘is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes or was in any way compromised.’

The DHS also stressed that the 2020 election was ‘the most secure in American history’.

In response, Trump fired Chris Krebs, who was the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, called the statement ‘highly inaccurate’.

Sidney Powell, a former attorney on Trump’s legal team, wildly claimed the president had actually won the election ‘by a landslide’ but had been cheated by an ‘algorithm’ designed by Dominion Voting Systems. 

Without offering evidence, Powell claimed that Dominion ‘has a long history of rigging elections’ and that this is ‘what it was created to do to begin with’, at the behest of the late Venezuelan ruler, Hugo Chavez. 

In response, company spokesperson Michael Steel said Sunday that Dominion is ‘a nonpartisan American company. It is not physically possible for our machines to switch votes from one candidate to the other.

‘Our election system is run by local elected officials and nonpartisan poll watchers. We simply provide a tool to count the ballots and to print and count ballots,’ he continued.

Carlson began by arguing that electronic voting systems are unreliable and called for a return to hand-counting paper ballots without the use of machines

Carlson began by arguing that electronic voting systems are unreliable and called for a return to hand-counting paper ballots without the use of machines 

President Trump and allies within his administration have routinely argued since Election Day that the 2020 race was ‘rigged’

President Trump and allies within his administration have routinely argued since Election Day that the 2020 race was ‘rigged’

During his Monday night broadcast, Carlson claimed that this year’s election was unjust ‘on many levels’.

‘The system was rigged against one candidate and in favor of another. And it was rigged in ways that were not hidden from view. We all saw it happen,’ Carlson insisted. ‘The media openly colluded with the Democratic nominees. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refused to explain what they would do if they were elected. That’s never happened before in any presidential election in American history. But the media allowed them to do it.

‘At the same time, beginning in the spring, Democrats used our public health emergency for nakedly partisan ends,’ he continued, referencing the coronavirus pandemic, which began back in March. 

‘They punished Trump supporters for trying to gather, but they exempted their own activists, rioters, and vandals from BLM [Black Lives Matter] and antifa from the COVID lockdowns entirely.’

Carlson went on to assert that he believed restrictions enforced by Democratic leaders ‘crushed’ small business owners across the country, who he said are ‘the heart’ of the Republican party, while donors to the political left ‘got richer.’

To elaborate on his point, Carlson mention Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who he said saw his network jump $70 billion during the pandemic.

‘Then, Democrats used the coronavirus to change your system of voting,’ Carlson claimed. ‘They vastly increased the number of mail-in ballots because they knew their candidates would benefit from less secure voting, and they were right.’

Carlson then claimed Democrats ‘used the courts neutralize the Republican Party’s single most effective “get out the vote” operation, which, for generations, had been the National Rifle Association.’

The host claimed ‘not enough’ is being written about the apparent scandal, but said ‘anyone on the ground saw it.’

‘Thanks to legal harassment from the Left, the NRA played a vastly reduced role in this election, and that made a huge difference in swing states like Pennsylvania and others,’ he said.

Bringing his searing soliloquy to an end, Carlson said ‘above all else’, Democrats ‘harnessed the power of Big Tech to win this election,’ adding that platforms such as Google, Twitter and Facebook conspired to ‘censor’ ideas online.

‘They rigged the election in front of all of us, and nobody did anything about it,’ he said in closing.

Bringing his searing soliloquy to an end, Carlson said ‘above all else’, Democrats ‘harnessed the power of Big Tech to win this election'

Bringing his searing soliloquy to an end, Carlson said ‘above all else’, Democrats ‘harnessed the power of Big Tech to win this election’

Trump took a massive step towards admitting defeat in the election Monday night by saying he was allowing the transition to Joe Biden to begin.

General Services Administration Chief Emily Murphy told President-elect Biden in a letter that he can start accessing federal resources to begin the presidential transition process early Monday evening.

Murphy released a letter to Biden announcing the move, but dedicated a considerable portion to defending her own reputation and claiming she had been threatened and harassed.

Her letter, notably, does not go so far as ‘ascertain’ that Joe Biden is the winner of the election, despite networks calling the race 16 days ago, numerous states certifying their tallies, and Biden winning 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232. She also called him ‘Mr.’ instead of president-elect or vice-president.

It came just over an hour after Michigan certified that Biden had won the state, putting another nail in the coffin of Trump’s bid to overturn the election result.

The move ends much of the controversy over Trump’s refusal to concede and means that a concession would be purely symbolic. 

It allows Biden to get the same intelligence briefing as Trump, order FBI background checks on his picks for office and talk to senior officials in key roles – most notably, Dr. Tony Fauci. 

But Trump tweeted defiantly that he had ordered Murphy to start the transition ‘for the sake of the country’ and claimed he was sure he would win ‘the good fight.’ 

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