Time, which has been on the gun ban bandwagon since November 30, 1963. j has an item extolling Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, the bitterest enemy gun rights and the United States Constitution have in Congress. https://time.com/5885735/chris-murphy-gun-violence-inside-us-book/
Murphy apparently refuses to even look at the results of Connecticut and Federal Gun restrictions, which have been nothing less than catastrophic for law abiding Nutmeg State residents.
While I tend to agree that the United States has suffered a rise in violence that amounts to a bloodbath, that rise was caused by the reckless and irresponsible imposition of restrictive laws that had failed many times over – as many as 11,000 failures to make anyone safer, to reduce the incidence of violent crime or homicidal, or to save anyone”s life.
In that, gun control is nearly as great a failure as Murphy.