Why Won’t The NRA Let The CDC Study “Gun Violence”

Gun News

A Clarinda, Iowa URL asks why the NRA refuses to allow the CDC to do studies on “gun violence” and report to Congress.

Well, first of all, the NRA is a citizens group, founded to promote civilian marksmanship, gun safety, and to promote effective laws to further the American shooting community’s desire for less crime – at a time when only one American home in 9 had a lock on the door, and the American national homicide rate was one ninth of its present rate.

Back when a notorious bank robber named Jesse James could walk into any hardware store and buy a gun. Provided Mr. James had the money to purchase his gun of choice.

A lot of things have changed since 1880. Restrictie gun laws came into general use in 1905-1906, and the difference between a society where anyone could buy and carry a gun and one where you had to have a hard to obtain state permit to carry a gun, and often a permit to buy one.

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Each of the gun laws passed in the US since 1880 is reflected in the chart below, always with a rise in the murder rate. At the same time, every relaxation of gun laws is reflected as a decline in the hurdle rate. And if youi look at all the restrictive gun laws imposed since 1495 you will see the same pattern.

Now, we have had the CDC and its “gun violence” studies in the past. Of all the Federal agencies, “Deep State” seems to be most firmly embedded in the Center For Disease Control.

A CDC paper claiming dozens of gun laws had been successful in reducing crime played a major role in the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” of 1993. And there were other, similar propaganda pieces from the CDC from 1968 until Congress defunded the organization’s gun propaganda machine in 1995, as I recall.

One might as well ask the Comey FBI to investigate the background of First Lady Melania Trump, accusing her of spying for Andorra as ask the CDC to do a “study” of gun violence.

If we wanted gun ban agitprop we could read Bloomberg’s “The Trace” at no charge. But what we want is a crackdown on the criminals who use guns to facilitate crimes, and a crackdown on the gun thieves and gun traffickers who arm those criminals.

And that seems to be something that the CDC and the “Deep State” people at the CDC seem determined not to allow.


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