Fairfax, Va. - In response to the growing number of first-time gun buyers during the coronavirus outbreak, the National Rifle Association’s Education & Training Division is pleased to announce the launch of four new online gun safety courses.
“These courses will provide an option for first-time gun owners who don’t have the ability to take an NRA certified instructor-led class at their local shooting range at this time,” said Joe DeBergalis, executive director of NRA General Operations. “While there is no replacement for in-person, instructor-led training, our new online classes do provide the basics of firearm safety training for those self-isolating at home.”
Those courses include:
Gun Safety Seminar
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course – Distance Learning
NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course – Distance Learning
NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course – Distance Learning
Each course, lasting from one to eight hours, is available at NRAInstructors.org.
Though range time is part of some of the classes (Basics of Pistol Shooting – Distance Learning & Personal Protection in the Home – Distance Learning), there is still a wealth of knowledge available in every online section.
“The NRA recommends that all new gun owners seek professional training at the range, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a head start on learning the basics of firearm safety at home. New gun owners, old gun owners, it doesn’t really matter. Taking one of these classes moderated by a certified NRA instructor can only make you safer, and that’s our primary goal,” DeBergalis added.
The NRA also offers the award-winning gun accident prevention Eddie Eagle GunSafe program (eddieeagle.nra.org) nationwide and the NRA Hunters Education program (NRA.yourlearningportal.com) in selected states to help those safeguard their home and to be safe and responsible when they go afield.