Court’s decision to kill bump-stock ban makes us all less safe — Paul Mickey

Gun Rights

So now the right-wing members of the U.S. Supreme Court have repealed the ban on bump stocks, doing the bidding of the National Rifle Association and making our streets even less safe again.

The hypocrisy of the court and Republicans knows no bounds. While eliminating abortion rights, they propose to be “saving the unborn.” At the same time, they block gun control measures that would save children and members of the public from being shot to death. What’s more disgusting is it continues to come out that Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote the decision on bump stocks, has accepted millions in gifts and trip after trip from a rich right-wing supporter, and Justice Samuel Alito is flying every anti-American flag outside his residences other than a skull and crossbones.

In Wisconsin, gun deaths continue to pose a major threat to the public. Check out the three separate shootings in Madison alone over a recent weekend.

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Paul Mickey, Madison

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