Delaware: House Could Vote Tomorrow on Legislation to Restrict Firearms on College Campuses and Properties!

Gun Rights

House Bill 311, to restrict firearms on college campuses and college owned properties, even for concealed carry permit holders, has been placed on the House agenda for Tuesday, June 11, and may receive a floor vote. Please contact your state representative using the Take Action button below and ask them to oppose HB 311.

HB 311 could lead to confusion among concealed carry permit holders who may not realize they are on property owned by a college or university. HB 311 adds all colleges and universities to the Safe School Zone criminal offense so that any person who knowingly possesses a firearm while in or on a college or university campus or property may be charged with an additional offense. A person convicted under this section will be guilty of a Class E felony and will permanently lose their Second Amendment rights.

Again, we urge you to contact your state representative to oppose HB 311. Please continue to check your inbox and NRA-ILA for updates concerning your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage.

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