NRA Members Are on a Winning Streak in 2024

Gun Rights

Since the beginning of 2024 the National Rifle Association membership has been on an enviable winning streak.

First Win of 2024

The members and the few Directors who have been clamoring for justice were vindicated by the New York Attorney General and the verdicts delivered in the New York vs NRA suit. The jury found the Board of Directors and the leadership had not fulfilled their duty to the members and had permitted the misappropriation of members’ money and other charitable assets.


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Second Win of 2024

Capitalizing on the jury decision and the shining of light on the malfeasance inside the NRA, the Board of Directors election immediately following the decision in the New York vs NRA case saw the seating of “The Four for Reform” candidates running for the Board of Directors on petition. This vote also saw the unseating of two past presidents of the NRA and another four members of the ruling cabal. Another outstanding victory for the members.

Thirds Win of 2024

At the “Annual Meeting of Members 2024” in Dallas, Texas, the members listened to the presentation of a Resolution authored by the NRA leadership to move the NRA headquarters to Texas.  

After some discussion from the members and the admission of a lack of strategic planning and financial feasibility on the part of the NRA leadership, the Texans, at a meeting in Texas, voted overwhelmingly NOT to approve moving the NRA Headquarters to Texas.

A resounding win for the members. And yet another ill-advised, ill-conceived and foolhardy exercise in multi-million dollar corporate malpractice was successfully defeated. 

Fourth Win of 2024

Only two days later, The NRA Board of Directors met on Monday, May 20, 2024.  History was made at the meeting. Never in NRA history, I am told, have board leadership positions been filled by a nomination from the floor.  



A majority of the Board of Directors had been listening to the members, just enough reformers had been elected and just enough of the cabal members had been unseated. Three of the top four positions, including a new Executive Vice President, were elected and seated.  

Fifth Win of 2024

Just days following the Board of Directors leadership victory, the NRA won a great First Amendment victory at the United States Supreme Court. The Court found -unanimously- that the State of New York had violated the NRA’s First Amendment rights. So irrefutable was the argument that Justice Sotomayor, no friend of the Second Amendment or the NRA, wrote the ruling. Another great victory for freedom in America!

Sixth Win of 2024

The staff is elated in Fairfax and the NRA is on a new course of transparency, openness and clarity. That is better than a win per month, six wins from February through the end of May.  

Are you tired of winning yet? 

– We have the right people in the right job, at the right time, in the right place.  

– We have new policies, procedures and controls in place.  

– Better yet, we have honest leaders in place.  

– We will be good stewards of your trust, our members money and assets.

Much remains to be accomplished at the NRA. I have been on the board of directors for 15 years, and I have kept clamoring for others Board members to wake up and stand up for our members.  We are doing that  -  and the movement is growing.  


Over the last few years firearms sales have been burgeoning. The NRA has been nowhere to be found contributing to the safety, education and training of millions of new gun owners.  We have millions of children, young adults and seniors waiting for us to fulfill our core responsibility. America is calling and we are responding. 

Come and help us climb the mountain. We have got this!

The NRA needs you – to help us rebuild the organization to better than its former greatness.  We have much work to be accomplished, great issues to decide and great legislators and executives to elect. God Bless you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support.

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