Letters and feedback: June 17, 2021

Gun Rights

A situation wrongly handled from start

The issue of fluoridation of the water in Mims is being debated by dentists, residents and politicians choosing sides.

The base issue here is not about whether fluoridation is effective or not. The issue is the fact that Commissioner Pritchett didn’t have the authority to remove it on her own. 

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This vote did not follow the correct procedure and therefore the fluoride should have been replaced without needing to be voted on. Then, if she wanted to discuss the issue, it could have been added to an upcoming meeting agenda. Residents could have had time to prepare a discussion/arguments for or against with a proper vote then taken. 

This entire incident smacks of some unknown personal agenda and of overstepping her authority. I am glad that the citizens of Brevard have called out her actions on this issue. The county commission works for us. Not the other way around.

And just for the record, I use well water, so I don’t have a side to take other than the improper methods used to remove the fluoride from the water in Mims.

Ed Kindle, Mims

Weighing two dentists’ opinions on fluoride

Recent opinion pieces on fluoridation were quite interesting.

Dr. Hosking noted current CDC information, a 2002 study from the Journal of Public Health Dentistry, data on natural occurring fluoride and public health studies about safe ranges of fluoride, and data indicating the negative effects of stopping fluoridation. She is a dentist with a master’s in public health.

Dr. Edwards noted information on overdoses of toothpaste, a 2018 article in Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Journal about “chronic ingestion of high doses of fluoride,” a theory and a study from 1945, and information from the Fluoride Action Network, an anti-fluoride group. He is a dentist with additional certification in naturopathic medicine; the basis of this latter medicine is that the body should be allowed or helped to heal itself without drugs/surgery.

From what they have posted, I would believe Dr. Hosking first as she appears to be following the data that science has revealed in some 70 years of successful prevention of cavities with no documented side effects; further, the body does not protect itself from cavities without some assistance in naturally occurring fluoride or added. Dr. Edwards appears to be using outdated science and special-interest information that does not refute or rebut or offer a comparable scientific/medical argument for not using fluoride.  

As an NCO in Fort Riley, Kansas, one of my duties just after leading physical training in the ’70s was having soldiers in the company swish fluoride in their mouths for 60 seconds and then spit it out in the grass. I presume the U.S. Army knew how to maintain its property.

Christopher Robin Adams, Melbourne

Universal background checks: a fantasy

Carl Ramey’s recent opinion column, “Losing the battle for gun control,” demonstrated a lack of understanding common to gun-control enthusiasts.

He calls for universal background checks, but isn’t aware of the enforcement issue.  

When a crime is committed, there’s evidence. Something is stolen, property is damaged, someone is injured, etc. There are witnesses. The crime is reported to law enforcement. But if one citizen sells a gun to another citizen, who’s going to report it?  Where’s the evidence? Who would complain? Unless every firearm in the country is registered (good luck with that!), law enforcement would never know. And even if all guns were registered and they somehow learned about the sale, without getting warrants, going to both citizens’ homes and examining their personal property, the cops wouldn’t be able to enforce the law. 

Universal background checks are an impossible fantasy.

Mr. Ramey also criticizes several Supreme Court justices for honoring their oaths to “support and defend the Constitution” instead of ignoring what the Constitution says in favor of what his interpretation happens to be.

One thing Mr. Ramey got right was that the battle for gun control is being lost. 

John Lisbeth, Viera

When will GOP take action on guns?

It is amazing to me that a political party that is so adamant about right to life of the unborn can simply disregard the daily murder of children (and adults), who are victims of gun violence.

Not only does Congress and state legislators do nothing, but the tendency is to ease the spread of gun ownership. The mass shootings of late with weapons of war has been met with the same old “We pray for the families ” or “Our thoughts and prayers are with the survivors.”

This is disgusting, that it keeps on happening. It  appears the re-election money from the NRA that flows to those we elect is more relevant than any action that could save lives. Meanwhile the gun violence continues day after day, so please be alert when you go to Publix or anywhere outside. It can happen to you.

Eric Simon, Cocoa

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