NBC Cheers The Lawsuit Against The NRA, Under A Banner That Begins With “THINK”

Gun News

NBC, which has done more to obscure the results of gun bn legislation than any other network or cable outlet, has an item purporting to tell why the Far Left’s lawsuit against the NRA is just wonderful for the law abiding gun owner. The Network should have done more thinking and less talking about the SLAPP lawsuit. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/new-york-s-lawsuit-against-nra-best-thing-responsible-gun-ncna1236091

To begin with, there are only three things any law can do. It can succeed in addressing some problem, it can have no effect on the problem, or it can fail to provide the promised benefits of the law. So ca chart like the one below can either decline, which would be a success, or it can stay at about the same level, for no benefit, or it can chronicle an abject failure by showing a rise in the indicated problem.

Obviously, the gun control campaign which began in early 1964 proved an abject failure to reduce crime. When gun control laws, in this case the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968, made an appearance the rate of increase in violent crime increased. And since Maine has had gun control campaigns almost continuously since 1964, and the relatively mild gun controls have only driven up crime, Maine’s gun laws are abject failures.

What about National crime rates. The chart below shows the murder rate since 1880. The most conspicuous features are the extremely low rate when anyone with money could buy and carry a gun, prior to 1905, and the rise in murder when a gun control law or gun control campaign kicks in, as it id in 1905-06, 1919, and 1964. And then there is those declines when gun laws were relaxed, in 1933 and 19993.

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I could go on with literally thousands of similar charts showing the same thing. Restrictive gun laws trigger a wave of violence that drives violent crime and murder rates through the roof and out of sight.

And NBC, the Fake News Headquarters of the Broadcast industry, would have done well to look at the inevitable consequences of the restrictive gun laws they champion.

But it seems rational thought is beyond the peacock’s ability.


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