Trump’s Niece Says Letting Her Uncle Back In White House In A ‘Life Or Death’ Election Is A Peril: ‘Serious National Security Threat To American People’

Gun Rights


Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump, a psychologist, on Monday, weighed in on some recent judiciary decisions that created ripples and what they mean for the presidential election.

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Bump Stock Verdict A Terrible Decision: The Supreme Court wanted to give Donald Trump as much help as possible and put off the decision on presidential immunity, Mary Trump said in a substack post. The apex court dealt another blow to gun safety by ruling that the federal ban on bump stocks is not authorized by existing statute, she added.

The statute was put in place by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms in 2018 in response to the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, she noted. While the Supreme Court previously determined that a machine gun ban was constitutional and the ATF reasonably concluded that bump stocks are equivalent to machine guns, Assistant Justice of the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas ruled Friday that bump stocks are not machine guns, the podcaster and author said.

“Friday was a terrible day for those of us who don’t want to die — and don’t want our kids to die — at the hands of mass murderers wielding weapons of war, modified or otherwise,” said Mary Trump.

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Trump Nonchalant: Delving into Donald Trump’s reaction to the verdict, his niece noted that he said he respects the court decision and went on to brag about the National Rifle Association’s endorsement.

Mary Trump also recalled a comment from her uncle earlier this year in which he said during four years of his term, he did nothing despite the pressure to do away with guns. “In the wake of Friday’s Supreme Court decision, we can expect more of the same if Donald is allowed back in the White House,” she said.

The verdict, the psychologist said, makes it so clear what the election in November is all about life or death. “Friday’s decision—and Donald’s response to it—were powerful reminders that the leader of the Republican is the death candidate,” she said. The psychologist noted that gun deaths were now the number one killer of children in America.

Mary Trump also delved into the COVID-19 deaths in America, which she attributed to Donald Trump’s incompetence and malicious inaction. The former president has called for the killing of America’s top general, she said, adding that he does not care about American lives. In 2023, Donald Trump called for the execution of former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley, as the former called the latter’s call to China to reassure the country in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riots as treason.

Canceling the abortion rights of women by the overturning of the Roe vs. Wade verdict by the Donald Trump-appointed Supreme Court has killed or will likely many American women, Mary Trump said. She also flagged risks to life from her uncle’s “fossil fuel corruption and climate change denialism.”

“How many has he killed with his calls for extremism and violence? And how many will die if he loses in November? How many more if he wins?” she asked.

Mary Trump also said the choice before the people on Nov. 5 is between life and death. “The harsh reality is that Donald is a serious national security threat to the American people. This is a life-or-death election. And my uncle is the death candidate,” she said.

Photo by TheNexusInstitute on Wikimedia Commons

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