Biden unveils new ad touting his support for gun control after SCOTUS ruling on bump stocks, Hunter’s conviction

Gun Rights

President Biden pulled the trigger on a new 30-second ad touting his support for gun control — just days after first son Hunter Biden was convicted on felony gun charges.

Following the Supreme Court ruling Friday to roll back a national ban on bump stocks, Biden quickly rolled out the 30-second spot where he also accused former President Donald Trump of being in the pocket of the National Rifle Association.

“When Trump was president— children gunned down in classrooms, innocent people killed in church and massacred at a concert. Still, Trump did nothing,” Biden said in the ad.

“He sided with the NRA, but I sided with you. I’ve expanded background checks, created an office of gun violence prevention, and now murder rates are down.”

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“You and your family deserve to be safe and I’m going to fight like hell to see to it that you are,” Biden concluded fingers pointing into the camera.

President Biden is making gun control an issue in the 2024 presidential campaign. AP

In the 6-3 ruling, the court ruled that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) had overstepped its authority by classifying bump stocks as illegal machine guns.

Trump banned the device in 2017 after a massacre in Las Vegas that year left 60 dead and hundreds more injured. The killer, Stephen Paddock, has used a bump stock to turn his weapon into a de facto automatic rifle.

Team Biden cut an add attacking Trump on guns after the Supreme Court ruled the government could not ban bump stocks. Biden for President
In his ad, Biden accused Trump of being in the pocket of the NRA. AP

“Congress must ban bump stocks, pass an assault weapon ban, and take additional action to save lives,” Biden said in response to the ruling. “Send a bill to my desk. I will sign it immediately.”

The commander-in-chief’s firearm grandstanding came just days after a federal jury in Delaware convicted Hunter Biden on three felony gun charges tied to his purchase of a 2018 revolver, for which he could face up to 25 years in prison.

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