Missouri: Bill Filed to Protect Second Amendment in Emergencies

Gun Rights

Recently, House Speaker Pro-Tem John Wiemann introduced House Bill 1068, to ensure Second Amendment rights remain protected during states of emergencies. Please contact your state representative and ask them to SUPPORT HB 1068.

House Bill 1068 designates firearm businesses as “essential” and prohibits the state, government officials and agencies, or local governments from prohibiting, restricting, or reducing their operations during declared states of emergencies or disasters.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many anti-gun officials around the country, at both state and local levels of government, took the opportunity to unilaterally suspend Second Amendment rights by shutting down gun stores and ranges. Unfortunately, this coincided with many Americans trying to exercise their Second Amendment rights for the first time during those times of uncertainty, and resulted in them being unable to access arms, ammunition, or proper training. HB 1068 protects the exercise of a constitutional right from such politically motivated attacks and ensures that citizens have those rights when they need them most.

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Again, please contact your state representative and ask them to SUPPORT HB 1068.

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