Kansas: House Committee Soundly Votes Down Anti-Gun Amendments on Permit Recognition Bill

Gun Rights

Today, the House Committee of Federal and State Affairs considered and passed permit recognition legislation, House Bill 2058.  During the hearing, multiple proposed amendments were also considered, including failed attempts by anti-gun Representatives Boog Highberger and Jo Ella Hoye, to ban carry at the Kansas Capitol and repeal Kansas’ Constitutional Carry law, respectively.  House Bill 2058 now heads to the House Floor for a vote, and your Representatives need to hear from you!

House Bill 2058 seeks to recognize all out-of-state concealed carry permits and allow those who have been licensed to carry a firearm for self-defense to do so lawfully in Kansas.  This legislation recognizes that visitors to Kansas should not be left defenseless simply by crossing a state line.

Again, please contact your state Representative and ask them to SUPPORT House Bill 2058.​

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