Letters: Don’t blame guns for our problems

Gun Rights

Counterpoints, please, to the anti-gun propaganda barrage in newspaper as of late. Typical is Patricia Kissinger’s letter of Oct. 1 wherein she makes the hyperbolic assertion of “thousands of deaths and physical injuries” at school shootings since 1999.

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Not surprisingly, she completely disregards the fact that all active school shootings occur in “victim disarmament zones.” Schools mostly rely on “no guns allowed” signs and unarmed staff to protect teachers and children. Therein lies the problem.

Her comment that “no well-regulated militias” exist is wrong because militias do exist. Furthermore, the U.S. Supreme Court 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald decisions confirmed that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right and is unconnected with service in a militia.

In another letter, Steve Foster erroneously asserts that Australia ended a nonexistent mass shooting crisis because they banned certain firearms. Facts don’t support that presumption. There are more guns per capita in Australia now than before the gun bans. The crime rate has been declining since the 1970s with only minimal impact from the bans. Guns are never the problem.

To those who want to forcefully confiscate over 28 million modern sporting rifles from law-abiding citizens, good luck. You are apparently clueless about the colossal logistical, financial and constitutional issues inherent in that endeavor.

Finally, the monies spent by the National Rifle Association to lobby for our right to bear arms are dwarfed by the tens of millions of dollars spent annually by anti-gun billionaires like Michael Bloomberg to promote gun confiscation. Let’s not forget, either, the massive, constant barrage of free anti-gun propaganda trumpeted by the media.

Molon labe.



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