Public hearing planned for Indiana bobcat trapping proposal

Gun Rights

Indiana is considering a limited bobcat trapping season and the Department of Natural Resources is seeking public input on the proposal.

The plan would allow trapping in about 40 southern Indiana counties starting in November 2025, with a statewide quota of 250 bobcats. Trappers would have a one-bobcat bag limit and be required to purchase a special bobcat license.

Geriann Albers, furbearer and turkey program leader for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, said the proposal includes strict monitoring, and requires trappers to report their catches within 24 hours.

“We do have a population model for bobcats,” Albers explained. “We’re very confident with that 250 quota that it will not negatively impact bobcat populations. What that 250 was set on was the population model we have that shows that’s a sustainable level of harvest.”

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Opponents argued even a limited season could threaten bobcat populations. Environmental groups, including the Humane Society, said the DNR’s population model may not fully account for the bobcat’s slow reproductive rate and threats from habitat loss. They contended reintroducing trapping could undermine years of conservation work that helped the species recover in Indiana.

Albers noted the DNR invited public feedback on the proposal.

“On that rule-making docket page the comment button is available for people to submit comments now,” Albers pointed out. “That went up pretty quickly after the meeting but the first round of comments, we haven’t scheduled yet because that usually coincides with when we do a public hearing.”

A public hearing, tentatively set for November, will offer both in-person and virtual participation options. The DNR said updates will be posted on its website.

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