On Wednesday, anti-gun legislators in a conference committee, took the opportunity to politicize an otherwise bipartisan school aid bill. House Bill 5503, a bill providing critical funding for Michigan schools, was amended to create an anonymous tipline for the purpose of reporting the “unsafe” storage of firearms. The legislature swiftly amended the bill pushing it through both the House and Senate within hours. Leadership prohibited legislators from speaking on this bill from the floor when it came up for a vote, silencing any opposition.
House Bill 5503 allocates up to $1,000,000 to establish a tipline for students to anonymously report improperly stored firearms. The money is allocated for the 2024-2025 school year and will be made accessible to intermediate school districts. The bill also funds the creation and distribution of educational materials to students outlining the safe storage of firearms and how to report violations.
This “tipline” could result in unwarranted interactions with law enforcement and unfettered searches of homes, business, and other places where firearms could be stored. There is little surprise anti-gun law makers wanted to rush this ill-conceived idea under the cover of a larger omnibus style bill with no debate or time for deliberation. HB 5303 will soon be transmitted to Governor Whitmer for consideration. It’s critical you contact the Governor today to urge her veto of HB 5503!
Use the Take Action button below and tell Governor Whitmer to veto this bill!
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