To the editor: In your Oct. 13 editorial “Gun bill opposition overplays its hand,” which dealt with the Massachusetts Joint Ways and Means Committee hearing on HD.4607, you referred to Gun Owners Action League and the National Rifle Association as being “industry-incentivized and agenda-driven.”
You left out another critical organization that is very much agenda-driven, probably because their agenda is to support legislation that will actually make citizens safer while leaving law-abiding individuals alone. I am referring to the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, which comprises the chiefs of police of 351 cities and towns and 100 college campuses and was represented at the hearing by former Northborough Police Chief Mark Leahy.
A poll of the membership of the association resulted in what Chief Leahy described as an “unprecedented, unanimous vote to not support HD.4607 as written.” Chief Leahy acknowledged that some provisions of the legislation merit discussion, but they should be addressed as standalone bills. He also implored the committee to address previously filed association bills that genuinely enhance public safety but have languished for years through several legislative sessions with no attention.
That’s right. The General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is ignoring input from the trained professionals of law enforcement who put their lives on the for us every day.
Their is no urgent need for the omnibus bill that is HD.4607. It is a misguided knee-jerk reaction to the Supreme Court New York State Rifle & Pistol Association vs. Bruen decision.
Gary Wilk, Pittsfield