Maine: Major Gun Votes Happening this Week

Gun Rights

Maine Committees will be holding votes on gun bills this week that will greatly impact your Second Amendment rights in Maine. NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are strongly urged to contact committee members and make their voice heard. Please press take action below to contact committee members and make sure your voice is heard!

Maine Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs, Cross Building, Room 208, Work Session: May 24th at 1:30 P.M. - Submit Testimony

LD 1557 recognizes the right of a person with a valid concealed weapons permit to exercise their Second Amendment rights on public school property or the property of an approved private school. History has repeatedly shown us that “gun-free zones” do nothing but disarm law-abiding citizens while creating soft-targets for violent criminals. With the passage of this bill, Maine citizens will be able to protect themselves, their children, and teachers on school grounds. Most importantly, this bill would deter violent criminals from targeting Maine schools.

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Maine Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary, State House, Room 438, Work Session: May 26th at 9:00 A.M. - Submit Testimony

LD 1696 creates a “course of action” against firearm manufacturers and retailers whose firearms are used in criminal activity. This law attempts to evade the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (“PLCAA”). The PLCAA protects members of the firearm industry from being held responsible for the third-party misuse of products they manufacture or sell. Implementing such a system would be an unfair and egregious overstep by the State and would shut down firearm commerce in Maine overnight.

Again, please contact members and urge them to oppose all anti-gun measures and support all measures that protect your Second Amendment rights.

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