Pennsylvania: Lee Griffin Wants Guin Laws That Address Problems, But THinks Universal Background Checks Are Good Places To Start

Gun News

The Daily Item reports an Anti-Gun Party candidate for Congress from the 12th District says he wants gun laws that address the actual problems instead of hariting off chasing spooks. But he also says Universal Background Checks, which have delivered exactly no benefits, would be a good place to start.

And therein lies the rub. There are thousands of studies lying in study publishers libraries, never looked at, never cited, treated as if they never existed, and even seemingly reasonable people have been convinced “we need a study.”

There are really only two key questions. They are….

1.) Where do criminals get their guns?

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The studies, the ATF trace data, the police statisticians, all say that the overwhelming majority of those who cause the trouble get their guns from friends or relatives in the same business they are in, or they steal their own. Less than one percent of prison inmates have ever so much as attempted to buy a gun from a legitimate source.

2.) The second question is also simple. What has been the result of laws essentially identical to the laws the Democratic or Gun Ban Party wants to impose on people who will almost certainly never commit a crime.

You can call those results disastrous, catastrophic, or whatever you please but one thing is clear. The results of restrictive gun laws has been death and destruction, just as it is in Pennsylvania. The essence of the FBI Uniform Crime Report for Pennsylvania is at this link, and is graphed below:

If you want a similar increase in violent crime but beginning with Pennsylvania’s current violent crime totals, pass the bundle of gun ban laws the Anti0Gun Party is trying to impose on America’s 155 million law abiding and shooting community members.

And if you want to start getting back to where Pennsylvania back to the law abiding low crime State it was in 1960, you will have to start by repealing the laws that have had these same results for more than 500 years.

But in the meantime, Lee Griffin talks reasonably – but compiling lists of gun owners through any sort of gun owner registration has never led to anything but mass murder by governent.


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