The Bay State Banner, which has a record of hating on Donald Trump and private gun ownership, tacitly admits that “we are going to have to get the guns off the street” before they can ban guns.
Th thrust of the item is to complain about Trump’s position on “Black Lives Matter” that completely misses toe point on the the reportedly George Soros funded group.
The point is the relative number of persons killed by police in error. Every Officer has the same right to defend their own life that every American has. The desired goal is ZERO persons shot, dead or not, each and every year. That is the goal those of us who do work to improve things have been working for. No unjustified deaths.
But an Officer who pulls someone over only to have the driver jump from the road and start firing down the road at him and at oncoming traffic is not carrying a gun for dive weights. He is carrying that sidearm to put an end to lethal situations.
If the officers return fire hits something vital, the shooter just should not have done it.
The important thing is that the potentially lethal threat must be brought to a stop. If the shooter who puts many people’s lives in danger has bad luck and dies, that is his hard luck. But good luck to every person who was not wounded or killed because of a well directed bullet. And yes, that includes the Officer.
On the items second point, if we could get the stolen guns off the street, violent crime would sink bak to levels last seen in the early years of the 20th Century whne the homicide rate was below 2 per 100,000 populations.
IF we could get the stolen and trafficked guns out of the hands out of the criminals who use them to facilitate further crimes.
But you know the old saw that “Never attempted, never done.” Our politicians are great about passing laws the law abiding will however reluctantly follow will obey. Including carrying all their guns to a disposal site and watch the crusher destroy them.
But the guns that cause the problem are not in the hands of the law abiding, but in the hands of the criminals. And the very same politicians who will gladly take your gun and mine will absolutely refuse to do anything to stop the trafficking of stolen “street guns into your neighborhood.
And equally sadly, the media, including the Bay State media, could easily see what is going on by looking at the crime numbers over time, checking what happens when laws restricting the law abiding’s access to firearms are imposed. The numbers for Massachusetts are at this link, behind that ad, and tell the truth about gun control.
For those who want to take it in in one glance, the chart below tells the story”
As you can see from the chart, Massachusetts homicide rate was quite low before Hollywood’s “Send the Army and take them all” campaign began in early 1964, raising into the rates in the middle crime rates as gun control took hold. When most States began to relax their gun laws, the Bay State’s homicide rate dropped like a boulder off a cliff, falling from a peak of 4.0 to 2.2 per 100,000 population as criminals stopped carrying guns for anything but immediate business.
What stopped the fall in crime. Gun control. After a “comprehensive gun control package” was imposed, and the lawsuits against it failed, criminals started wearing guns as part of their street dress – and as you can see, homicide rates went up to 3.4 per 100,000 before..
Before the Bay States most violent city started using a computer as a crime editing toll.. holding Bay State homicides at 135 or so – except 2017, when homicides got beyond CompStat’s ability to shave the numbers. The Trump economy brought the numbers back down to controllable levels but the results on the Chinese Virus will not be in for over a year.
But gun control in Massachusetts have done exactly the same thing as gun controls have done every where else, since the first restrictive gun law was imposed in 1495/ All the restrictive gun laws that have been enforced have sent murder and violent crime rates soaring.